Private Services

The services listed below are not covered by public health insurance.

Vaccinations are medical interventions where weakened or inactive disease pathogens or their components are administered to stimulate the immune system against specific infectious diseases.


Protection against infectious diseases: Reduces the risk of contracting severe, sometimes life-threatening illnesses.

Herd immunity: High vaccination rates help contain the spread of diseases within the population.

Reduction in disease severity: If vaccinated individuals do contract the disease, it often results in a milder illness.

Prevention of epidemics and pandemics: Comprehensive vaccination programs can control and prevent outbreaks.

Long-term protection: Many vaccinations provide long-lasting immunity and require infrequent booster doses.

Vital nutrients are essential nutrients that the body requires to function properly. They encompass a variety of substances categorized into different groups, including vitamins, minerals, trace elements, essential fatty acids, and amino acids. Here are the main groups of vital nutrients and their benefits:


Vitamin A:

  • Function: Important for vision, immune system, and skin health.
  • Sources: Carrots, sweet potatoes, spinach, liver.

B Vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7, B9, B12):

  • Function: Support energy metabolism, red blood cell formation, and brain function.
  • Sources: Meat, fish, eggs, dairy products, whole grains, green leafy vegetables.

Vitamin C:

  • Function: Antioxidant, supports immune system, promotes collagen formation and wound healing.
  • Sources: Citrus fruits, bell peppers, broccoli, strawberries.

Vitamin D:

  • Function: Important for bone health and immune system, aids in calcium absorption.
  • Sources: Sunlight, fatty fish, egg yolks, fortified dairy products.

Vitamin E:

  • Function: Antioxidant, protects cells from damage by free radicals.
  • Sources: Nuts, seeds, spinach, broccoli.

Vitamin K:

  • Function: Important for blood clotting and bone health.
  • Sources: Green leafy vegetables, broccoli, Brussels sprouts.



  • Function: Important for bone and teeth health, muscle contraction, and nerve function.
  • Sources: Dairy products, green leafy vegetables, tofu, almonds.


  • Function: Supports energy metabolism, muscle function, and bone health.
  • Sources: Nuts, seeds, whole grains, green leafy vegetables.


  • Function: Regulates fluid balance, supports nerve function and blood pressure.
  • Sources: Bananas, oranges, potatoes, spinach.


  • Function: Important for fluid balance, nerve function, and blood pressure.
  • Sources: Table salt, processed foods, vegetables.

Trace Elements


  • Function: Important for oxygen transport in blood and energy production.
  • Sources: Meat, fish, beans, spinach.


  • Function: Supports immune system, wound healing, and metabolism.
  • Sources: Meat, fish, nuts, seeds.


  • Function: Antioxidant, supports thyroid function and immune system.
  • Sources: Brazil nuts, fish, meat, eggs.

Essential Fatty Acids

Omega-3 Fatty Acids:

  • Function: Support heart health, brain function, and have anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Sources: Fatty fish, flaxseeds, chia seeds, walnuts.

Omega-6 Fatty Acids:

  • Function: Important for growth and development, support immune system.
  • Sources: Vegetable oils, nuts, seeds.

Essential Amino Acids

  • Function: Building blocks of proteins, important for muscle building, tissue repair, and hormone production.
  • Sources: Meat, fish, eggs, dairy products, beans, lentils.

Summary of Benefits

  • Support for bodily functions: Vital nutrients are necessary for numerous biochemical processes that support health and well-being.
  • Maintenance of health: They help prevent diseases and maintain organ and system functions.
  • Promotion of healing: Many vital nutrients play a key role in tissue healing and repair.
  • Energy production: Vital nutrients are essential for energy generation and metabolism.
  • Immune system: They strengthen the immune system and help fight infections and diseases.

A balanced diet rich in these vital nutrients significantly contributes to overall health and quality of life.

“When to Use Nutrients as Infusion

Severe Deficiencies:

In cases of diagnosed deficiencies that cannot be rapidly corrected by oral supplementation.

Examples: Severe vitamin B12 deficiency, iron deficiency anemia, magnesium or potassium deficits.

Gastrointestinal Diseases:

In patients with conditions that impair nutrient absorption, such as Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, celiac disease, or post-gastrointestinal surgeries.

Gastrointestinal complaints leading to chronic vomiting or diarrhea.

Severe Illnesses and Recovery:

In patients with severe illnesses or during the postoperative phase, when nutrient demands are increased and oral intake is restricted.

Cancer treatments (chemotherapy, radiation therapy) that reduce appetite and increase nutrient needs.

Chronic Fatigue and Burnout:

In chronic fatigue syndrome, burnout, or prolonged exhaustion, where rapid improvement of nutrient status is necessary.

High Performance Sports:

For high-performance athletes to quickly recover and improve performance, especially after intense training or competitions.

Supporting the Immune System:

For weakened immune systems to strengthen defenses, especially during periods of increased susceptibility (e.g., flu season).

Anti-Aging and General Well-being:

Some individuals use IV therapies to enhance overall well-being, rejuvenate skin, or combat aging processes.

Benefits of Infusion Therapy

Quick Action:

Intravenous administration of nutrients leads to faster elevation of blood concentrations compared to oral intake.

Bypassing the Digestive Tract:

Bypasses potential absorption issues in the digestive tract, delivering nutrients directly into the bloodstream.

Higher Dosages:

Allows administration of higher doses of vitamins and minerals that may not be tolerated orally.

Targeted Nutrient Delivery:

Precise dosing and combination of nutrients that can be tailored to individual patients.

Typical Nutrients in Infusions

Vitamins: Vitamin C, B vitamins (especially B12 and B6).

Minerals: Magnesium, potassium, calcium.

Amino Acids: Glutamine, arginine.

Antioxidants: Glutathione, alpha-lipoic acid.


Vital nutrient infusions can be very beneficial in specific medical situations and for supporting health and well-being. However, they should always be administered by a qualified healthcare provider after thorough diagnosis and indication. The decision to administer nutrients as infusions is based on individual health needs, patient condition, and medical necessity.”

Health certificates, medical certificates, and school confirmations

What is Chronic Migraine? Chronic migraine is a form of migraine characterized by headaches occurring on more than 15 days per month, with at least 8 of those days involving migraine attacks. This condition can significantly impact daily life and reduce the quality of life.

How does Botox help with Chronic Migraine? Botulinum toxin type A, commonly known as Botox, is a neurotoxic protein produced by the bacterium Clostridium botulinum. In medicine, Botox is used to treat a variety of neurological and muscular conditions, including chronic migraine.

Mechanism of Botox in Chronic Migraine:

  1. Blocking Pain Signals: Botox works by preventing the release of certain neurotransmitters that are involved in the transmission of pain signals, particularly acetylcholine, which plays a role in activating pain pathways in the nervous system.
  2. Muscle Relaxation: Botox is injected into specific points around the head and neck. These injections help relax the muscles in these areas, potentially reducing the frequency and severity of migraine attacks.
  3. Long-Lasting Effects: The effects of Botox typically begin around 7 to 10 days after treatment and can last up to 12 weeks. This means patients may experience fewer migraine attacks and often require less medication for acute migraine relief.

Why is Botox a good treatment for Chronic Migraine?

  1. Efficacy: Studies have shown that Botox can significantly reduce the number of headache days per month. Many patients report a noticeable improvement in symptoms, with some experiencing a reduction in the frequency of attacks by about 50%.
  2. Safety: When administered correctly by an experienced healthcare provider, Botox is safe and has relatively few systemic side effects compared to other migraine medications. The most common side effects include temporary discomfort at the injection sites, mild malaise, or slight muscle weakness.
  3. Improved Quality of Life: By reducing the frequency and severity of migraine attacks, Botox can greatly enhance the quality of life. Fewer migraine days mean fewer missed days at work or school and more opportunities to participate in daily activities.

Treatment Process:

  • Initial Consultation: A thorough medical history and examination are conducted to determine if Botox is an appropriate treatment option.
  • Injection: Botox is administered through several small injections at specific points around the head and neck.
  • Follow-up: Regular follow-up appointments are essential to monitor the effectiveness of the treatment and to repeat injections approximately every 12 weeks as needed.

Conclusion: Botox offers an effective and well-tolerated treatment option for individuals suffering from chronic migraine. It can reduce the frequency of migraine attacks and significantly improve the quality of life for those affected. If you believe Botox could help manage your chronic migraine, consult me to discuss this treatment option.

New in Our Offerings: Botox Treatments and Aesthetics

Give your appearance a fresh and youthful look with our professional Botox treatments. Our aesthetic services include:

  • Crow’s Feet: Smooth the fine lines around your eyes for a radiant smile.
  • Forehead Lines: Reduce visible wrinkles on your forehead for a relaxed and rejuvenated appearance.
  • Lip Augmentation: Add volume and definition to your lips for a sensual smile.

Schedule your appointment today and explore the possibilities of enhancing your natural beauty.